The Graduation Speech I Never Gave!
Not everyone can be valedictorian
I wrote this for my speech class senior year. My professor wanted me to use it for our real graduation. unfortunately, I forgot the audition dates for graduation speech, So I never got the chance.
To second chances.
Welcome, Dr.Jack Angelo,Administration,Dignities,Family,Friends and Graduating Class of 2013.We finally made it!!It's been a long four years, but here we are ready to graduate. We worked hard to get to this point, but we didn't get here on our own. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our amazing support system!We all have different people to be thankful for. It could be our parents, sibling,family,teachers,coaches,advisers,guidance counselors, or who ever it was that got us here, THANK YOU! Thank you for believing in us and caring enough for getting us here today.
It was not so long ago we were little freshman excited to be in high school, trying to figure out where our next class was and looking generally clueless to all the upper class-men.But, now we were the upper class-men, the seniors that ruled the school. through those four years we've dealt with many hardships and various cross roads...But through the chaos, we got here! Ready to get that Diploma and say,"We're ready world, so here we come". Unfortunately our rule is over and it's up to the next class to step into our shoes and take over.
There is no point in dwelling on the past.Everything we went through the past four years has only made us wiser and stronger as a person. We began high school as lost freshman, but we're leaving here as accomplished adults. We've completed our basic education that will serve as the pedestal we use to launch ourselves into our futures. Some of us will go on to college,Other straight to work, and some will settle with falling in love and just be full time parents.Each of us will follow our own path, whichever we choose, we are on our way to a better and brighter future,filled with possibilities.
There is nothing that can stop us,except ourselves.We need to take the time to do whatever we want.No matter what we do or where we go, there are always going to be challenges ahead of us. I know as I look at all of you, your going to meet those challenges straight on with your head held high and your heart wide open. Because It's simply not enough to just get by in life.We have to excel in everything we do, strive for excellence no matter how large or small the task.
My only challenge for each of you is to reach your full potential and never think your not good enough,Because each of us have the potential to achieve to greatness. This is just the beginning of our lives, It doesn't end here. It's time to turn the page and start a new chapter of our lives.
Congratulations, my fellow graduate class of 2013. Whatever we do and where ever we go, we will always remember the friendships we've made these past four years. Some were pretty casual and others much closer. But,remember each one fondly. Good luck and thank you!
Well that was my graduation speech that, that never got a chance. Til next time, keep on Beautifying Chaos!
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