What's in My trash?

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I know it's out of the blue, But I thought I should let you know!

Bare with me as we unravel the mystery of my trash can! O.o

Some of the thing I found in my trash was a lot of papers!Forget trash can this thing is Recycle Ben. Some of these papers were love notes between me and my friends(us being cute and silly),poems that look like crap,as well as songs(What the hell was I thinking).Notes between my friends and me talk mad shit(We're girls what do you expect), There was some notes about of old flames.Also notes I intended to give to my old crushes, Thank God I didn't,What an embarrassment!O.O I also found unwanted love notes eww! okay, besides paper there was Arizona bottles, plates, cups, empty bottle water(like 4 of them),  broken shoes, you know the usual things we throw out. Oh yeah and some really ugly drawings...oh and a bunch of dust bunnies!...

Well that is it!I will put some of those note in this blog maybe in the near future.Til next,keep beautifying chaos!
